Name: Elevate
By: Elevate, Inc.
Price: FREE (iOS) | FREE (Android) + In-App Purchase
Category: Education
There's more than one reason Elevate was named 2014 App of the Year by Apple's App Store. Not only is it fun, beautiful, and addictive, but it also works to train your brain in a variety of challenging skill sets that are actually useful in the real world. This engaging app will keep you coming back everyday and leave you feeling mentally energized. The more you train, the more you gain!
While there are plenty of other brain-training apps out there, Elevate rises above the rest through its artistic design and perfect balance between fun and challenging gameplay. Improve your proficiency in Speaking, Writing, Reading, Listening, and Math through 29 cognitive training activities, which adjust over time based on performance. The better you get, the harder they get. Work your way up towards the ultimate Expert status in each category and track your progress over time through high scores, total accrued points, and training milestones.
The Pro upgrade unlocks additional training games, offers unlimited access, and provides in-depth rankings to see how you stack up against other users. So far, the free version has been enough to keep me busy, but I could certainly imagine ramping up my training in the future.
If this is starting to sound more like a homework assignment and less like an app you would actually use, don't despair! Elevate encourages you to play 3 quick and beautifully animated mini-games each day. In just a few minutes per week you'll be well on your way towards improvements in memory, focus, estimation, and a variety of other useful skills.
You already exercise your body, so why not workout your brain and push that mental capacity to the max?